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Continuous Improvement Monitoring System for Special Education


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Continuous Improvement and Focused Monitoring System PowerPoint Presentation

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Continuous Improvement and Focused Monitoring System

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Continuous Improvement and Focused Monitoring System

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Presentation Transcript

  1. US Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs Continuous Improvement and Focused Monitoring System Overview of the OSEP Continuous Improvement Visit:October 24-28, 2011

  2. Continuous Improvement and Focused Monitoring System May 2002 October 2006 October 2011 Data Verification Visit Continuous Improvement Visit Continuous Improvement Monitoring Process • Self Assessment • Public Meetings • On-Site Visit at SEA & LEA • Desk Review • On-Site Visit at SEA • Conference Call with Texas Steering Committee • Desk Review • Parent Survey • State Advisory Panel Survey • On-Site Visit at SEA • Panel Conversationwith LEA/ESC staff • Results Meeting

  3. Continuous Improvement and Focused Monitoring System Continuous Improvement Verification -General supervision --Financial systems Results • OSEP's monitoring framework is outlined in the Continuous Improvement and Focused Monitoring System (CIFMS). CIFMS focuses on critical IDEA performance and compliance. Through CIFMS, OSEP analyzes States' systems for implementing IDEA.

  4. Continuous Improvement and Focused Monitoring System Continuous Improvement Verification -General supervision --Financial systems Results Two Components: Verification and Results

  5. Continuous Improvement and Focused Monitoring System Continuous Improvement Verification -General supervision --Financial systems Results Verification: OSEP conducts on-site verification of the effectiveness of critical State systems (monitoring, data collection and analysis, and finance).

  6. Continuous Improvement and Focused Monitoring System Continuous Improvement Verification -General supervision --Financial systems Results Verification: OSEP conducts on-site verification of the effectiveness of critical State systems (monitoring, data collection and analysis, and finance). Results: An opportunity for OSEP and States, along with critical stakeholders and technical assistance providers, to work collaboratively to improve results.

  7. Continuous Improvement and Focused Monitoring System Verification • General Supervision System • Fiscal Management System

  8. Continuous Improvement and Focused Monitoring System Verification: General Supervision • General Supervision System • Verifies the timely correction of identified noncompliance • Evaluates the implementation of dispute resolution requirements of IDEA • Confirms the timeliness, accuracy, validity and reliability of the State's reported SPP/APR data

  9. Continuous Improvement and Focused Monitoring System Verification: General Supervision • GS 1 – Does the State have a general supervision system that is reasonably designed to identify noncompliance in a timely manner using its different components? • GS 2 - Does the State have a general supervision system that is reasonably designed to ensure correction of identified noncompliance in a timely manner? • GS 3 - Does the State have procedures and practices that are reasonably designed to implement the dispute resolution requirements of IDEA? • GS 4 - Does the State have a data system that is reasonably designed to timely collect and report data that are valid and reliable and reflect actual practice and performance? • GS 5 - Does the State have procedures and practices that are reasonably designed to implement selected grant application assurances i.e., monitoring and enforcement related to LEA determinations and significant disproportionality/CEIS?

  10. Continuous Improvement and Focused Monitoring System Verification: Fiscal Management • Fiscal Management System • Ensures the distribution and use of IDEA funds

  11. Continuous Improvement and Focused Monitoring System Verification: Fiscal Management • FS 1 - Does the State have procedures that are reasonably designed to ensure that funds are distributed in accordance with Federal requirements? • FS 2 - Does the State have procedures that are reasonably designed to ensure the allowable use of IDEA funds?

  12. Continuous Improvement and Focused Monitoring System Results An opportunity for OSEP and States, along with critical stakeholders and technical assistance providers, to work collaboratively to improve results. The purpose of Results Work is to assist the State's efforts to identify resources and strategies that will lead to improved outcomes for students with disabilities.

  13. Continuous Improvement and Focused Monitoring System Results • One-day meeting with a purpose and an outcome • State has chosen Graduation/Drop out topic since the SPP Indicators impact each other • Statewide activities related to the Early Warning Data System will be shared

  14. Continuous Improvement and Focused Monitoring System Continuous Improvement Verification -General supervision --Financial systems Results • Critical Aspects of the CIFM System • Stakeholders are involved with all components of the system. • IDEA technical assistance resources are designed to support State improvement. • Communities of Practice are available in critical performance areas. • States are held accountable for improved performance and compliance. • Enforcement is used when compliance is not achieved in a reasonable timeframe.
